Thursday, June 15, 2006

American Idol, Stuffed Style

I had the amazing opportunity tonight to see the American Idol of the stuffed animal world. What a show! 13 contestants performed while I watched and cheered, and at the end someone was voted out. Luckily, it was "Blueberry Bear," probably the poorest of the performances of the night. ; )

The detail and sound affects added by the host amazed me..... he must be one of the most observant people I know. It reminds me of when I was his age and would pull out my LEGO's and have an all out battle between the Pirates and the British. I could sit for hours on end and never get bored. Oh, to be young and carefree again....... Ok. That's going a little too far. But anyway, life seemed to be a lot simpler back then. My biggest concern on a Weekly basis was how I was going to convince mom and dad to let me go to a friends house after church on Sunday. Now, I have bills to pay, a job to do, friends to keep in line (oh yah, and myself too) , a future to think about and plan for, a great commission to take part in. But, even though it may seem overwhelming at times, and the outlook gets clouded, I know that He is in control. He is molding and pressing me into the man that He has called me to be. Teaching me responsibility and humility, along with love and compassion. For that reason, I wouldn't go back, even if I could...... : )


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for posting.


12:29 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

A stuffed animal American Idol?? What will they think of next? Yeah, I've got to agree with you, your not young any more.In fact, your rather old. Sooo I have a question, ARE YOU EVER GETTING MARRIED?!?!?!?!? j/k

Your young and good-looking, stuff that gets the girl! :-)

9:11 AM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

that was a fun post.

good job, j-rad.

haha. don't i sound so condescending at times?

12:37 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'll just ingore the order of the other comments and try to focus on what i was gonna say. first of all. i had a stuff animal named blueberry bear. So dont make fun

Secondly, I know we just spent time together. But I'd like to get together tonight if that works out. cause its the only day this week that works out.

Love you man. And If we dont get together tonight, can you call me? I have some prayer requests.

Love you Jared.


4:34 PM

Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should post... for example, our night in the woods on saturday. that was fun.

5:34 PM


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